Move In Week To Begin My Sophomore Year
August 29, 2022 First Blog Post Kevin Fiedler CO 280 My Fist Week of School Hello, I am a sophomore student at Mount Mercy University. This year I got to move out of the freshman dorms that had no AC and moved to the sophomore and above dorm. I cannot tell you how nice it was when I walked into my new room for the first time and felt the air conditioner running. I got really excited knowing I wouldn't be sweating in my own room during the first few weeks of school this year. I just moved in this past Sunday and gave myself a few days to get situated before the school year kicks off. The first few days were fun spending time with my new roommates and decorating our rooms together. That fun didn’t last long though because we knew school was right around the corner. The time for all fun and games was ending, and the second chapter of our college school life was starting. Going to bed on that Tuesday night knowing that I had to wake up early the next day for ...