Move In Week To Begin My Sophomore Year
August 29, 2022
First Blog Post
Kevin Fiedler CO 280
My Fist Week of School
Hello, I am a sophomore student at Mount Mercy University. This year I got to move out of the freshman dorms that had no AC and moved to the sophomore and above dorm. I cannot tell you how nice it was when I walked into my new room for the first time and felt the air conditioner running. I got really excited knowing I wouldn't be sweating in my own room during the first few weeks of school this year. I just moved in this past Sunday and gave myself a few days to get situated before the school year kicks off.
The first few days were fun spending time with my new roommates and decorating our rooms together. That fun didn’t last long though because we knew school was right around the corner. The time for all fun and games was ending, and the second chapter of our college school life was starting. Going to bed on that Tuesday night knowing that I had to wake up early the next day for my first class was nerve-racking. Eventually, though, the fateful day finally came.
On Wednesday, the first day of our classes, I felt like a freshman again. I had to keep looking at what classes I had and trying to figure out where they all were. When I finally got to the class the next step was seeing if I knew anyone in the class. I got really bailed out with the classes that day because I knew at least two people in every one of my classes. That made the syllabus day a little more enjoyable because I knew that I had some friends that I can get through this semester with.
After my last class of the day, it was time to sit back, relax, and cool off from all the classes I just sat through. Well, that’s what I would have liked to do but I had to get some homework done instead. I know I could have relaxed and then do the homework later but that’s not how I work. After classes my brain is still in school mode, so I use that opportunity to get off my homework done. Once all that was completed, I went and hung out with some people until I had to go to sleep for the next day.
On Thursday I had to go find all my classrooms for that day as well. I only had two classes this day which was nice. I also had a lot of people I knew in both of my classes, so Thursday was going perfectly too. The only issue was I remember what one of my professors said I had to do on Friday. This really freaking me out because they said I was going to have to start a blog. That was scary because I didn’t want to write to people that I didn’t even know. As you can tell though I started my blog today, Friday August 26th, 2022. That brings me to this current moment and the end of my first blog post.
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