Last week Before Finals
The Home Stretch
With only one more week to go until finals and I'm starting to get nervous. Most of my classes I have a good grade so im not that worried about them, but there are 2 classes that I'm nervous about the final for. It also doesn't help that im trying to study but influenza is going around the school. I have been sick 2 times in the past week. This is also effecting my extracurriculars because I am not able to participate. making it to class has been extremely difficult because of this but I am managing. There are some things to look forward too though.
I am excited to get all of my finals done though because I want to go home and see my family. Also getting this break is going to be amazing because school is draining me. All finals does is make students stress out about their grades and I am ready for that to be over. The only part im not looking forward too is not being able to play volleyball over break. I feel like sitting at home doing nothing and eating all the food my parents make me is going to take me out of shape.
I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year because I will not be going on this blog over the break. Go enjoy the time you can spend with your family and cherish the memories you make with them.
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